GNU Trove

Interface TPrimitiveIterator

All Superinterfaces:

public interface TPrimitiveIterator
extends TIterator

Implements all iterator functions for the hashed object set. Subclasses may override objectAtIndex to vary the object returned by calls to next() (e.g. for values, and Map.Entry objects).

Note that iteration is fastest if you forego the calls to hasNext in favor of checking the size of the structure yourself and then call next() that many times:

 Iterator i = collection.iterator();
 for (int size = collection.size(); size-- > 0;) {
   Object o =;

You may, of course, use the hasNext(), next() idiom too if you aren't in a performance critical spot.

Method Summary
 boolean hasNext()
          Returns true if the iterator can be advanced past its current location.
 void remove()
          Removes the last entry returned by the iterator.

Method Detail


boolean hasNext()
Returns true if the iterator can be advanced past its current location.

Specified by:
hasNext in interface TIterator
a boolean value


void remove()
Removes the last entry returned by the iterator. Invoking this method more than once for a single entry will leave the underlying data structure in a confused state.

Specified by:
remove in interface TIterator

GNU Trove